Stop Letting Sleep Apnea Affect Your Mood

snoring man sleep apnea treatment conceptWhy are you finding it harder to remain relaxed during the day? Why do small issues seem to cause you more frustration than normal? When you experience negative mood changes alongside problems with fatigue, a lack of focus, and trouble staying awake during the day, it can point to sleep apnea. These are not changes that you should take lightly. The longer this problem goes untreated, the more it can affect your personality and health! Fortunately, effective care is available. Our Wheaton, IL, dental office provides treatment solutions for people whose nightly breathing difficulties have started to impact their well-being. A custom oral guard can make the solution to your sleep apnea easier to add to your nightly routine, leading to welcome changes to your mood, health, and focus!

Changes In Your Mood And Energy Levels Can Point To Sleep Issues

If you find yourself in a poor mood more and more frequently these days, the problem may be with your nightly rest. Sleep apnea interferes with your nightly breathing, forcing your body out of its rest cycle and leading to less beneficial time in bed. Because you are dealing with this issue, you can exhibit signs of sleep deprivation, which include mood changes.

There are other signs to watch out for if you think sleep apnea is becoming a problem, including:

  • More frequent snoring
  • Nightly breathing struggles, including periods where you are not breathing
  • A lack of focus and energy during the day
  • Hypertension
  • Difficulty staying awake during the day
  • Challenges in managing other mental and physical health conditions

Beginning Your Sleep Apnea Treatment

For patients who are struggling with obstructive sleep apnea, we can provide a treatment option that does not call for a CPAP machine. Instead of asking you to wear a mask and keep the machine near your bed throughout the night, you can depend on a custom oral guard that we provide you. The guard helps by changing the position of your jaw so that you breathe without having your breathing obstructed by soft tissues in the throat. With this change, you can stay asleep throughout the night and awaken feeling refreshed! We take care to produce a guard that is just right for you so that it is comfortable and easy to keep in place.

Talk To Your Wheaton, IL, Sleep Center About Treating Sleep Apnea!

Your energy levels, mood, and health can all be impacted by sleep apnea. Fortunately, with the right treatment, you can put the problem behind you and enjoy a better quality of life! We are ready to help Wheaton, IL, community members and neighbors take on this frustrating health condition. If you would like to find out more, call Wheaton Dental Sleep Center at (630) 665-5555.