Sleep apnea can be an annoying problem because it wakes you up several times a night and disrupts your partner’s sleep as well. But it’s much more than that because it can also introduce risks to your overall health. Here are five ways sleep apnea can affect your overall health. 1. Sleep Apnea can Worsen Asthma… Continue reading 4 Ways Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Overall Health
Category: sleep apnea
What are the Treatments for Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a serious problem linked to several health issues, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Therefore, treating it is important for your overall health. But what are the treatments for sleep apnea? Let’s explore further to look at what treatment options are available for this serious problem. Lifestyle Changes
What are the Main Types of Sleep Apnea?
If your snoring is about to drive your partner away, and if you feel incredibly tired even though you got a good night’s sleep, you might have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is linked to several serious health problems, so it’s important to seek treatment. But what are the main types of sleep apnea? You may… Continue reading What are the Main Types of Sleep Apnea?
5 Signs You Have Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea can be a very serious problem. It is linked to several serious health problems, including both diabetes and cardiovascular disease. That’s why it’s critical you know the signs that might indicate that you have sleep apnea. Here are five signs you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): 1. Loud Snoring is One of the… Continue reading 5 Signs You Have Sleep Apnea
How Does a Dentist Help with Sleep Apnea?
You probably don’t think about your dentist when you have trouble sleeping. However, your dentist might be able to help if your problem involves sleep apnea. Here’s how your dentist can help with sleep apnea. What is sleep apnea? Before we talk about what your dentist can do to help, let’s discuss what sleep apnea… Continue reading How Does a Dentist Help with Sleep Apnea?