Putting A Stop To Chronic Snoring

Do you often experience snoring, which impacts how both you and your significant other sleep? If so, there could be a potential link to a serious disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. Our team of helpful local sleep science professionals in Wheaton, IL, can offer a solution to your snoring!

The Common Causes

What causes a person to snore? The loud sound is caused by vibrating soft tissues. When our airways are partially blocked by soft tissues, air is forced through when we breathe. This creates a loud sound. Factors that increase the likelihood of snoring include sleeping on your back instead of your side, excessive alcohol consumption before bed, poor sleep schedules, and large meals before bedtime. But there could also be a link to a serious disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea.

When a Link to Sleep Apnea Occurs

With sleep apnea, while you rest the soft tissues that partially obstruct airflow actually completely block air passages, You then stop breathing briefly until the brain registers this sudden drop in oxygen and wakes you. While you may not remember this happening, it can interrupt your sleep cycle multiple times a night, so you feel exhausted the next day. Snoring is a common warning sign of sleep apnea, along with waking up choking or gasping for air, headaches, dry mouth, moodiness, and even issues with concentration or your memory. Treatment is crucial to not only improve your quality of life, but to limit the risk of strain on your immune system and cardiovascular system.

Our Oral Appliances

How do we help you stop snoring? Instead of a CPAP machine, our team will create an oral appliance, a device that looks like a mouthguard and is custom-fitted for your smile. When worn, this helps keep airways open by shifting the position of the jaw and tongue. You avoid snoring and breathing cessation, and feel more rested and alert the next day. The oral appliance is easy to use and can travel with you too. The device is simple to clean and maintain too. If you have any questions about how we treat chronic snores and sleep apnea, or if you want to try an oral appliance and ditch the CPAP machine, then contact our team today to schedule a consultation and start your journey to a good night’s rest!

Let Wheaton Dental Sleep Center Help You

We want to help you feel more rested during the day, all without a CPAP machine! To learn more about improving how well you rest at night with a custom oral appliance, then give us a call at Wheaton Dental Sleep Center at (630)665-5555. A good night’s rest is key to a better quality of life, so contact us soon!


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